Tuesday, February 18, 2025 11:47:17 AM

Cerb USB driver for Windows

2 years ago
#259285 Quote
Can another driver be used?  Windows 10 and 11 will not load the Cerb driver.   It sees it but will not load it.   I have tried on two different machines.   What was the benefit of using an obscure driver for this product?    It's very frustrating to have a brand-new product that cannot be properly updated without sending it in.
2 years ago
#259291 Quote
Hi Robert,
Mark is in the final steps of locking in the firmware for the next production run.  He said, he should have some free time soon to respond to your Cerb USB driver issue.
Thanks for your patience,
Steve Whitaker
2018 Fleetwood Discovery 40D
2 years ago
#259294 Quote
That is the only driver available. If you follow the Firmware Update instructions in the Getting Started document exactly and to the letter, the driver will install. If for some reason you're unable to install the driver you can always send the adapter in for a firmware update.
2 years ago
#259302 Quote
Any idea why windows 10 & 11 would not allow it to be installed?   Could Norton be blocking it?  I have tried on multiple machines and when I go to add the driver it fails and blocks it.   Does it work better on a Mac?  
I just received the Bluefire and it appears it's a 3.1 unit, will the new firmware upgrade it to 4,1?  Is that even necessary?  So far it works fine on my 2021 Jayco Seneca 37K except the oil Temp.   It is a Freightliner S2RV chassis is there a setup that I have done incorrectly?
Sorry for all the questions but I just want to get it right without damaging the Bluefire.
2 years ago
#261325 Quote
The driver should install if you follow the instructions exactly and to the letter. Do not try to install it like you would with a regular Windows driver. It is possible also that a firewall could keep the driver install from working.

As the old saying goes "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". So if everything is running fine, you don't need to update the firmware. But the 4.1 update does have some significant improvements especially with the stronger signal strength.
2 years ago
#261331 Quote
I'm also having an issue with the driver not working. I see this message in the driver properties

Device settings for USB\VID_1B9F&PID_0106\5&17bc200e&0&1 were not migrated from previous OS installation due to partial or ambiguous device match.

Last Device Instance Id: USB\VID_2687&PID_FB01\5&17bc200e&0&1
Class Guid: {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}
Location Path: PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1400)#USBROOT(0)#USB(1)
Migration Rank: 0xF000FFFFFFFF0023
Present: false
Status: 0xC0000719

I know my laptop was windows 10 before I upgraded it to 11.
2 years ago
#261332 Quote
I managed to do it. You really have to follow the directions in the document....I followed the steps under "Adapter Driver Install" and it fixed the driver.
2 years ago
#261333 Quote
That's kinda of why we say 'exactly and to the letter'. Glad you got it working.
2 years ago
#261336 Quote
Having the same issues.  Tried on 2 seperate computers and it will not load the driver.  Turned off all firewalls and everything, still nothing.  Followed install instructions to the letter.  Any suggestions? **UPDATE**  Finally installed driver and updated firmware, still unable to get the adapter to connect and receive the data.  What is going on??