Saturday, July 27, 2024 3:34:06 AM

Is there a way to remove the AM or PM from Local Time?

3 months ago
#261539 Quote
Since we are not going to Alaska again anytime soon we don't need the AM/PM to be specified anymore.  Since I changed the font to be bigger to make it easier to read, now that extra text is crowding things on the dash.  I don't see an option for that, but I am thinking that would be something that is probably available.  

Thanks. -Bill

PS.  A newbie so be gentle.  
3 months ago
#261540 Quote
Uncheck 'Show Unit of Measure' for the time gauge.
3 months ago
#261541 Quote
Nice!  That Worked.  I would not have thought of that.  But it kinda makes sense now.  -Bill